Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Polish Independence Day!

(Jennifer, Gillian, & Kelly)

Happy Independence Day, Poland! 

Monday was the first day Kelly, Jennifer, Mr. Johnson (Gold) and I got to spend the day exploring what Warsaw has to offer. We began the day walking by the Wisla River (Vistula) and made our way to Old Town. We were instructed by the United Nations to avoid parts of the town that would have demonstrations and two parades to celebrate Polish Independence Day. One was the official parade, and the second was a riot parade that was described to us as being held by "conservative Polish Nationalists". After walking through the city during the morning we had stopped on a corner across from what appeared to be 3 groups of Polish soldiers to check the tourist book and see where our adventure should head, when a man stopped us and asked if we spoke English! He was definitely excited to tell us all about the holiday and the festivities that were about to commence.  We headed in the direction the man pointed out to us and found ourselves in a large collection of people in a square lined with 6 or so cannons. We decided that this would be a good time to stop for a cup of coffee. After refreshments we wandered back to the square just in time for  Polish soldiers on horseback to lead a vehicle carrying the Polish President (who would soon be speaking) with the back window down smiling to the crowd. The crowd quieted as the Polish National Anthem was played and speeches were made. As Kelly, Mr. Johnson, Jennifer and I stood in the crowd to see what would come next *BOOM!!* -- the cannons went off one after another.  We stood back, overlooking cathedrals, a cross, and the Polish military, stunned by the thought that, here we were, accidentally caught up in a once in a lifetime cultural experience.

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